Livets Bog, vol. 4
Why the terrestrial human being or "man" and "woman" must "be born anew of water and the spirit" in order to enter the "kingdom of heaven"
1558. The organic structure through which "darkness" is created is thus the two universally known sexual states that we express as the "male sex" and the "female sex". These two sexes are each created solely in order to promote the culmination of the being's feeling of "ownership". The object of this ownership is naturally first and foremost the being of the opposite sex that is essential to the happiness of such a being. Since its organic structure prevents it from being able to experience any fundamental happiness save through having a life together with such a being, it can safeguard its happiness only by guarding, with all the means at its disposal, its possession of such a conquest. The fact that it therefore feels antipathy, anger or envy towards its own sex is merely a link in its defence of its own normal happiness. Its "own sex" are its rivals for the "opposite sex", and are in fact competitors competing to attain happiness. Their organic structure thus prevents them from being able to love beings of their "own sex" as they love themselves. The being cannot thus possibly comply with the great law of love, which is the fulfilment of all the laws. It is thereby established as fact that, with this organic structure, it cannot either become a "perfect human being" with Christ's way of being or be in its Father's "image" after His likeness, which, according to God's will or plan from even before creation, it was intended to be someday. As long as the being's organic structure determines that the being's feeling of complete happiness is based exclusively on "ownership" or a feeling of possessing beings of the opposite sex, its highest moral concept can be only "to receive rather than to give". And with this concept as the highest factor determining its level of morality, it is inevitable that the being "must be born again of water and the spirit" in order to enter the "kingdom of God" (the real human kingdom).
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 12
Life and Death