Livets Bog, vol. 4
How "light" and "darkness" are based on the "highest fire" or the sexual principle
1557. But it is a fact that life and sensory perception do exist. For this reason the cycle will also demonstrate to the very greatest extent the existence of the two contrasts that can be combined to form manifestations and experiences. And the possibility of this lies exclusively in the principle of the "highest fire" or the sexual principle. Through this principle Providence can alternately form the spiral's two great contrasts, "light" and "darkness". By constructing the beings' organic structure in such a way that it imposes the culmination of selfishness on these beings, indeed, so that it simply turns the killing principle, envy, anger, hatred and massacres into a vitally important drive for self-preservation in them, existence thus provides a basis for "hell" or the contrast to "light". And by having the beings' organic structure transform itself so that it imposes on them the culmination of unselfishness, neighbourly love and its ensuing "cosmic state of consciousness" as a vitally important drive for self-preservation in their nature, a basis is provided for the "kingdom of heaven" or the contrast to darkness in the cycle.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 12
Life and Death