Livets Bog, vol. 4
If the principles of the "male sex" and the "female sex" as specific beings prevailed in all the kingdoms of the cycle, absolutely no experience of life would be possible
1556. Through the previous analyses of the "highest fire" or the sexual principle in Livets Bog we have already gained an initial insight into how the beings change their sexual nature in favour of a new state of being. "Male beings" and "female beings" or "man" and "woman" are merely local phenomena in the spiral cycle. It is through the sexual principle's splitting of beings into "specifically male beings" and "specifically female beings" that the contrast to love or the cycle's zone of darkness can be manifested. If these two kinds of being prevailed throughout the entire cycle, absolutely no existence could be created. It would be impossible to manifest absolute or perfect love. And, where this absolute or perfect love does not exist, no "kingdom of heaven" could possibly exist. But if no "kingdom of heaven" can exist this of course being the mental light of existence no mental darkness whatsoever could exist either. For if one of the two contrasts were completely lacking, absolutely no sensory perception would be possible. But in order that consciousness or mentality and thereby the experience of life can occur at all, there must be conditions that make it possible to "distinguish one thing from another". All sensory perception consists solely of "distinguishing" one contrast from another. All manifestations are combinations of contrasts. If they were not so, they would not exist as manifestations. And, where there are no manifestations, there are no possibilities whatsoever for sensory perception. And, where there is no sensory perception, there is no experience and thus absolutely no life.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 12
Life and Death