Livets Bog, vol. 4
The "real human kingdom" is the culmination of light on the physical plane, just as the "animal kingdom" is the culmination of darkness on the physical plane
1553. So the domain of the first kingdom or sphere of experience that has this double faculty to experience is in fact still largely on the physical plane. This kingdom is the cycle's third section, the "real human kingdom" (coloured yellow). Just as the "animal kingdom" was the culmination of an imperfect physical kingdom, so the "real human kingdom" is the culmination of a perfect physical kingdom. This latter kingdom is exclusively the domain of neighbourly love on the physical plane, the domain of neighbourly love made manifest in physical matter in the form of the very highest ingenious art. This art is in turn the same as the very highest knowledge and the very highest ability fused together in the physical creation that has been produced. For this reason this "real human kingdom" is the same as "heaven" or the "kingdom of heaven" manifested on Earth. The most perfect, democratic conditions will rule the kingdoms and countries of such a physical world. The most ingenious engines, directed by the very highest physical ray technology, will guarantee that the beings will be liberated from the bondage of physical matter or their overburdening, straining and consequent misuse of their musculature that terrestrial human beings are subject to today. Here there will be no such thing as "by the sweat of thy brow shall thy eat thy bread". Here there will be nothing that stipulates the maintenance of so-called "wage slavery". Adscription in the form of "trade unions" and "employers' associations" will be merely something one reads about that once existed among human beings of the past. Similarly war, persecution, massacres and acts of revenge will be things that belong to an epoch of the past when the planet was as yet inhabited by only "animal" or "uninitiated" human beings, that is beings who, with great pleasure, revelled in the flesh and blood of their fellow beings, which they consumed as their daily food and at festive banquets. And these beings further revealed their cosmic naivety and ignorance by consuming great quantities of alcohol, tobacco and other poisonous stimulants. That these beings sometimes also had to swallow poisons as antidotes to dull their frayed nerves and dampen the reactions of their neglected organisms only further confirms the past sphere of life as "hell" or the domain of mental or physical darkness.
      Indeed, in this coming high, physical world there will be no financial worries, accidents, sufferings or poverty, just as there will no longer be any "prisons" or "jails". Here there will be no unemployment, no profiteering or exorbitant profit. Money, at this beautiful stage in terrestrial mankind's evolution, will have long since become a thing of the past. All manifestation and exercise of will, or everything that was previously "wage slavery", paid work or struggle for one's daily bread, will here have become nothing but the highest form of art. All human creations, buildings, flats, furniture, universities, colleges, factories, workshops, roads, streets, parks, gardens and so on will be ingenious masterpieces of scientific and artistic ability. But it will not only be the physical manifestations that will have been raised up from naivety and slavery to the plane of high intellectuality; it will also be the human beings' intellectual and mental life, their domestic relationships, their working relationships or their cooperation with other beings, their language, speech and song. Indeed, the entire terrestrial human way of being will thus here have attained a level of culture that can be nothing but an inherent goodness and nobility of soul arising from the purest neighbourly love, which of course in turn is the atmosphere of the universe or the halo of God.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 12
Life and Death