Livets Bog, vol. 4
"Initiated" and "uninitiated" beings, or "living" and "dead" beings, the "sphere of life" and the "sphere of death" as well as the other four spheres or kingdoms of the spiral cycle in connection with the symbol
1551. There are thus two major, basic analyses of beings: those that have "cosmic consciousness" (also expressed as "initiates") and those that are "cosmically unconscious" (the "uninitiated"). According to the above analyses these two kinds of beings can also be described as "living beings" and "dead beings". The spiral cycle with its "zone of life" and "zone of death" is thus the dwelling place of these two kinds of beings. Here we have provided a brief, elementary insight into the culminatory spheres of these two zones. In the uppermost section of the symbol we see how the principles of life of these two spheres, "death" and "life" (the dark area and the light area respectively), gradually overlap one another, thereby forming the other four spheres of the spiral cycle, marked by the vertical dotted lines. The light and dark area show us the domain of "life" and "death" respectively within each of the individual spheres. In the first sphere of the cycle we thus see that "light" is decreasing, while "darkness" is very much on the increase. But this sphere (the plant kingdom) is also the scene of the biblical "Garden of Eden. It was here that "Adam" and "Eve" began to eat of the "tree of knowledge" in order subsequently to experience the result of this way of living, namely to "surely die" in the form of losing their "cosmic consciousness" in the next sphere, the "animal kingdom". This sphere is thus the dwelling place of "hell" or "damnation". Here the Earth is "cursed", and "Adam" has to eat his bread in the sweat of his brow, and women have to bring forth their children in sorrow. Here killing, murdering, mutilating, hating and persecuting are vital to survival. Here beings have lost their knowledge of the real Godhead and their own immortal I, and therefore believe that they are at one with that which is "temporal" or "perishable", or with "dead" matter, and treat their neighbour as if he were "dead" matter. Here too the "day of judgement" or "doomsday" has its domain. Here the "sheep" are separated from the "goats". Here the "highest fire", with its eternal flame, begins to transform the "animal" into a "human being". And with this humane existence the real human being who is conscious of God and of immortality begins, through the subsequent spheres, to experience real life. Now the words of the "serpent" to "Adam" and "Eve" have come true. Like the Godhead or their eternal Father, they now know the difference between "good" and "evil". And with this knowledge they become satiated with "evil", with "eating of the tree of knowledge". Now another hunger is felt, namely for the eating of the "tree of life".
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 12
Life and Death