Livets Bog, vol. 4
Why language and speech is rendered superfluous in the sphere of the highest light
1549. When what we think or want to reveal to other beings is suddenly, or just as quickly as we can think, materialised in matter that others can see, speech and language are rendered completely superfluous. These phenomena were invented as tools for transferring thought from one being to another here on the "dead" plane or "sphere of death". In the "sphere of life", thoughts complete in structure and form, and in full colour are thus transmitted directly to our fellow beings without an intermediary link. Here the correspondence between living beings thus takes place solely through reactions in the "aura" or thought matter surrounding the being. This in turn means that when one being wants to impart an experience to another, this experience is rendered visible in the matter surrounding the communicator with exactly the same nuances and strength as those with which the being can remember and mentally form the experience. Instead of "hearing" a "story", the being now "sees" an exact copy of the original experience itself, replicated in figures, colours and light, and with all its details animated or kept alive or in movement by the communicator's mental concentration and re-experiencing of it in its memory. Thus we understand how inconceivable this highest divine world's opportunities for manifesting and its revelations of beauty are for the ordinary terrestrial human being of the physical plane. Instead of conversing in sound waves or in the monotonous sound sequences of more or less perfectly or imperfectly formulated words, we see the beings' thoughts and ideas revealed directly in the substance of the outer world as "living", working copies of reality. They become a direct experience for the person for whom they are intended. For him it will not be, as is the case with terrestrial messages, a mere stream of sounds, but a real, living picture in colour and sound, replicating precisely what had once through the workings of Nature been reflected on the originator's retina and resounded in his ears, and which is now therefore the original of the transferred "image".
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 12
Life and Death