Livets Bog, vol. 4
An insight into the "divine world" or the culminatory zone of the sphere of life
1548. Through our present cosmic analyses we know that there must inevitably be an opposite sphere of experience in which the beings experience the contrast to "death", namely real life. The uppermost section of the symbol shows us how this sphere of life (the completely white area) extends from the peak of the sphere of death, where it is restricted to a latent form, to its peak stage on the fifth step or kingdom of the cycle, namely the "divine world" (the blue colour). After that it diminishes again to the next culminatory stage of darkness or the "sphere of death" (the dark area). The peak area for this "divine world" is thus the scene of the very highest form of manifestation of life. This thus means that the being here has the very highest and most advanced knowledge of itself, its immortality or identity with eternity and the Godhead. Indeed, here reincarnation is such that the being does not notice it at all. Here the entire organism or body is not replaced, as it is on the physical plane. Reincarnation takes place only in the form of a daily replacement of old thought materials by new thought materials. Here the being controls everything with its thought. Its external appearance consists exclusively of its mental images. As it mentally wishes to appear, so it appears. The being's outer appearance is thus not bound to solid, physical matter, as is the case on the terrestrial plane. It changes appearance just as quickly as it changes its thought. But since the being's world of thoughts here is the culmination of the very highest harmony between feeling and intelligence, which in turn is the same as "love", and this "love" is thus the being's absolute, outer appearance, one will thus here be able to begin to get an inkling of how tremendously perfect and alive this sublime existence must be, quite apart from the fact that it renders speech and language quite superfluous in existence.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 12
Life and Death