Livets Bog, vol. 4
The killing principle or the culminatory area of "hell" in the symbol
1546. And since "Adam" and "Eve" were thus totally devoid of knowledge of darkness, this mass of energy around the automatically acting I constituted the "clay" from which God would create the "human being in His image". It is this process of creation that we know in Livets Bog as the cycle. This cycle has thus a zone in which the ignorant "Adam" and "Eve" leave their heavenly state to become "involved" or "enveloped" in earthly or physical matter by "eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil", which in turn is the same as experiencing what is actually "good" and what is actually "evil". It is this zone that became the dwelling place of the principle of killing, namely the "animal kingdom" or "hell", which in turn is the same as the "death", which, as previously mentioned, was to be the consequence of "eating of the tree of knowledge". This "principle of death" or "hell" is indicated by the dark area at the top of the symbol. We also see in the symbol that this dark principle or "zone of death" reaches its peak on the second step of the cycle (the orange-coloured step). It must, however, be pointed out that even though darkness, as shown in the symbol, extends through all the remaining kingdoms of the cycle, it appears as unhappiness and suffering or as true "hell" only within the section where it is at its peak, namely the "animal kingdom". Outside this peak zone, darkness exists only as day-conscious knowledge of darkness or the concrete knowledge, in the form of high-intellectuality, that results in the beings' exercise of their will – not instinctively or automatically but awake day-consciously – being wholly in harmony with absolute compliance with or observance of the law of love. This does not, however, hold true for the zone of the "plant kingdom" (the red colour), which is in fact the biblical "paradise" or "Eden", where the beings live in the light, but begin to be driven "out of the garden" and, as "carnivorous plants", begin to be "involved" or "enveloped" in the substances or matter of the killing principle, begin to "sin" and at the same time thereby begin to gain awake, physical day-consciousness, but lose their memories of the heavenly world and the cosmic identity of their own I.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 12
Life and Death