Livets Bog, vol. 4
The terrestrial human being is the "prodigal son" at the turning point
1544. The "zone of death" is the second step or "animal kingdom" of the spiral cycle. The terrestrial human being thus represents this turning point. With its strongly egoistic tendencies, which quite godlessly allow it to elbow its way forward at the expense of its fellow beings and the consequent unhappy fate that it must experience during one life after another, it constitutes the unhappy or "prodigal" son of God. And with its opposite tendencies – such as pangs of conscience about its egoistic, unloving and death-dealing nature, and its consequent interest in a more perfect and better existence, a more loving relationship to its surroundings and an incipient understanding that there must be a providence or godhead, the terrestrial human being is the "prodigal son" who is beginning to long for his heavenly Father and his heavenly home – "paradise" or the "kingdom of heaven". The terrestrial human being is the son of God whom the Father, through the Christ principle (the serpent or the world redeemer), has led out of the light, away from eternity and down into temporality and darkness to the experience of the spheres of "death", to the experience of being "one with that which is mortal", "one with that which is temporal", "one with that which is imperfect", in order thereby to perfect His son in His own image, because a son of God who knows nothing of imperfection, ignorance, "cosmic death" or a complete lack of "cosmic consciousness", is a being that has no possibility to do anything wrong. But a being that does not have this possibility has no will. And a son of God without a will is a being that is really nothing but a blind automaton, a machine. Such a being cannot express its "Father's image". A godhead is not a being with no will. A godhead is the culmination of will. But in order to attain such a will, the son of God must learn to differentiate between "good" and "evil", which in turn is the same as observance and infringement of the law of love.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 12
Life and Death