Livets Bog, vol. 4
The biblical traditions about the "death" that was to be the consequence of "eating of the tree of knowledge" are scientific facts manifested in an interpretation adapted for the "poor in spirit"
1535. And it is in this dark state, in this "dead" zone that we again find the present terrestrial human being. For a vast period of time it has lived in the spiral cycle's descending path. And it is the beginning of this descending path of cosmic ignorance or mental death that was promised terrestrial mankind in God's words to "Adam" regarding eating of the "tree of knowledge" and the resulting "curse" that the Earth would be subject to. And we find yet another account of the same principle in the parable of the "prodigal son". As will be remembered, "Adam" and "Eve", as well as the "prodigal son", began their existence in the light. "Adam" and "Eve" lived in the "Garden of Eden". And the "prodigal son" lived at home with his wealthy father. But just as "Adam" and "Eve" ended up in an unhappy world and felt they were "sinners", the "prodigal son" ended up in debasement and had to "eat with the swine". We see that these biblical traditions express actual, scientific facts set forth in a language of images or fairytales that can be grasped by the simple-minded or poor in spirit.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 12
Life and Death