Livets Bog, vol. 4
Symbol no. 12
Life and Death
Why the replacement of the living being's physical body does not constitute "death", but is an actual renewal of life
1533. Through the analyses in the present volume we have devoted ourselves in some detail to the "light" and "darkness" of the mentality, in order by so doing fundamentally to affirm life's very highest or eternal concept of morality or the mental attitude of the Godhead Himself to everything and everyone. And we have come so far in this study of ours that we have gained insight into what is concealed within the concept of "morality". We have seen that "morality" is an eternally alternating form of the living being's equally eternal manifestation of life. We have seen that this alternating form of the manifestation of life is promoted by "desire" and the "satisfaction of desire". We know that the basic analysis of this principle rests upon two great diametrical opposites – "life" and "death" – which in turn govern the spiral cycle, each with its own area. "Life" dominates in the one half of the spiral cycle, while "death" completely dominates the other half of the same cycle. Here "death" is not to be understood as what we in everyday speech call "death", which means, the phenomenon that results in the physical organism being separated from the spirit and the I, thus becoming a "corpse". Such a process has nothing to do with real death, for this "death" affects only the organism, not the mentality. A living being is just as gifted or "knowledgeable" after such a "death" as it was before it. And a process that cannot touch or reduce an individual's knowledge cannot make it "lifeless". And a "death" that cannot make an individual or living being "lifeless", has nothing whatsoever to do with real "death". The fact that living beings renew their bodies does not mean that they die. The bodies are merely the tools through which individuals acquire knowledge, which in turn is the same as acquiring "life". That the body becomes worn out and unfit for use and must therefore be replaced by the building or creation of a new and usable one can be nothing but a one-hundred-per-cent advantage to "life", and not a disadvantage. It can mean only "life" and not "death" for the I or being concerned. That the material, the experiences and the knowledge that the I has acquired through a body or organism should perish with this organism, would then be illogical to the very highest degree and totally futile. It is easy for the advanced researcher, not to mention the initiated being that sees cosmically, to see that the organism or body is merely a tool, a means through which something of value can be attained, and that this something of value does not depend on the body. The "death" that the terrestrial human being refers to in everyday speech, and which as a rule it has an absolute horror of, is thus in itself merely a "renewal of life" and, as already mentioned, has nothing to do with real death.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 12
Life and Death