Livets Bog, vol. 4
What our cosmic analyses have shown about morality and neighbourly love
1531. And all this divine glory, this entire, all-out-shining revelation of heavenly light, the all-embracing mutual love there must then be between beings is thus dependent solely on every single terrestrial human being being able to see how great a drawback and how completely restrictive its animal or "anti-humanistic" nature is today for the satisfaction of their most profound or innermost dreams or mental longings.
      Through our analyses we have shown that morality and neighbourly love must be identical. Any morality that is inconsistent with neighbourly love is false and a deviation from the light that leads its originator unshakably into darkness, into unhappiness and suffering. We have thus shown in Livets Bog that the absolute root of all so-called "evil", of "darkness" or of "hell" is nothing but a lack of love towards one's neighbour. Through our cosmic analyses we have provided exhaustive material for the intelligence and made the idea of the absolute necessity of this love accessible to the intellect. For the advanced reader life's great answers or commands about neighbourly love become, through these analyses, no longer a matter of belief but unshakable knowledge. Love for one's neighbour, which means, for one's fellow beings and one's surroundings, as well as the understanding that the root of all terrestrial human unhappiness and suffering lies in the part of the terrestrial human being's consciousness that constitutes its animal, primordial state, which we describe as "evil", are thus a matter of course. The terrestrial human being is thus still at one and the same time both an "animal" and a "human being". We ourselves have hereby unshakably established through life and Nature that it is not the development or maintenance of the "animal" but of the "human being" in the terrestrial human being that is the absolutely inevitable morality for this being.