Livets Bog, vol. 4
The terrestrial human being is a "being of war" and its mentality is a "battlefield"
1528. In every ordinary terrestrial human being there are thus two fronts: an "animal" front and a "human" front. The present mentality of this being is thus a battlefield. And the being's mental and physical manifestation alternates therefore between "victory" and "defeat", according to whether it is the "human" or the "animal" tendencies respectively that have the upper hand. Because of its double mentality as a "humanist" and an "anti-humanist", the terrestrial human being is thus a "being of war". Its innate animal tendencies, selfish desires or the so-called "evil" inherited from its past constitute an "anti-humanistic" front in its nature, while its incipient neighbourly love, in the form of a series of unselfish tendencies and situations in which it has not the heart to let its neighbour suffer, but would rather take the difficulties upon itself than burden others with them, constitutes a "humanistic" front.