Livets Bog, vol. 4
Today the dictator principle can be promoted only by unintellectual or primitive beings
1525. Any individual who seeks happiness and satisfaction by becoming a dictator today will be found only among the ranks of non-intellectuals, even though he may certainly demonstrate a certain form of intelligence. Anyone today who tries to make human beings "uniform" through dictatorship can be but an individual who is completely ignorant of the process of evolution that mankind of today is subject to; indeed, he cannot even differentiate between the human being of today and the human being of the past. He will claim that the kingdoms of the past were ruled by kings, autocrats or dictators. His psychological sense of the terrestrial human beings' present-day highest mental needs is simply non-existent. He can but underestimate the terrestrial human beings' psyche and consider it to be the same today as it was in the past. Since he himself has not awoken in spirit, but prevails over matter, he is completely ignorant of the fact that the terrestrial human beings, now more than ever, are becoming "spiritual human beings", which means, are awakening as individualists, and are becoming aware of their own particular, compelling desire to satisfy their awakening mentality. For him happiness takes the form of uniforms, parades, orders and decorations, slaves, soldiers and the destruction of everything that goes against these. His intention in using all these phenomena is solely to decorate himself with them. His primitive or abnormal characteristics are evidenced through his pathological desire to shine and his ensuing lack of restraint in inconsiderately using everything and everyone as ornaments around his own self-worship or self-glorification. Since such individuals are the only ones that will consent to being dictators today, one can say only that totalitarian states or peoples of today are being led astray.