Livets Bog, vol. 4
War becomes unfeasible. The difficulties in forming a world authority will be overcome sooner or later, for a real world peace without a world authority is unfeasible
1523. Is it not conceivable that the wealth of experience gained from the battlefields or the killing fields of hell is now on the point of being sufficient? Must this horrifying image of the culmination or absolutely only result of a war be experienced many more times before the truth about war becomes obvious to the superpowers or states that today believe that they can sustain unlawfully acquired advantages by virtue of power and the annihilation of other beings? The time has, indeed, now come when Providence has all it could wish for as regards manifesting the obviousness of the fact that the road of war leads to war, and that war means destruction or the "day of judgement" for all creation of culture, and thereby for all manifestation of truly human existence. The difficulties in forming a world league, a league of nations with a common sovereignty or world authority will be overcome. There is no other way to the continued existence of terrestrial mankind. War will be increasingly unfeasible. A means or instrument whose structure is made increasingly absurd can be used only by abnormal beings. And the soul, mentality or spirit of terrestrial mankind is not abnormal. With its enormous energy for doing research, it learns one hundred per cent from experience and gradually utilises what it has learnt. Is it not this use of experience that has led this mankind – largely through its technology and chemistry – to its present mastery of the elements? And do we not see, as already mentioned, the great efforts made by leading world politicians to establish a world league? And is it not conceivable that these efforts or the energy that is manifested today in order to create a real instrument of peace through a common state authority in the world will be based on the avoidance of the imperfections that caused the failure of the first league of nations? Have people not experienced since then how indispensable such a league of nations is, or how impossible it would be to attain world peace as long as there is no judicial system for states? As long as the states consist of individuals who cannot be kept within the bounds of natural morality and humane co-existence without having a police service and judicial system, it will be just as impossible for the states or the nations to co-exist in a normal or humanistic way without having a judicial system or an authority. How could this possibly be the case? How could the individuals or citizens of a state manifest a humanistic morality towards foreign states and their citizens without having an authority, if they cannot even demonstrate this morality towards their fellow beings or fellow citizens in their own country without having a judicial system?