Livets Bog, vol. 4
How deriving advantage or profit from war will gradually become absolutely impossible
1521. And establishing a real world authority would take a very long time were it not for the animal mentality bringing about greater and greater refinements within the domain of the killing principle. People's ability to murder, mutilate, destroy and subvert all terrestrial human capability has reached such a pitch of genius that war is becoming increasingly impossible as a method or way of gaining practical advantages. Warring parties are now so equal with regard to intelligence that none of them can take the other by surprise. If one of them develops the capability for launching a new so-called "secret weapon" with terrible effects, the other in many cases has an even more refined, effective "secret weapon" or means of killing at the ready in order to "punish" and curb the other's so-called "transgression of international law". It is inevitable that this development of "secret weapons", lethal machines or instruments of death will continue until a stage has been reached where no defence is possible, for defence and attack are to an equal extent an all-out attack on the Earth, on opportunities for life, on the countryside or areas of natural beauty that are equally vital to both parties, since the absolutely only path the parties engaged in war can take that will change their mental attitude is that of personal experience. Only through the effects of the energy of war that they themselves have manifested can they discover the foolishness of using this energy for the creation of "peace" or the absolute happiness that in the depths of their consciousness they are sighing and groaning for. Both parties will discover that their capacity for waging war has now become so great that absolutely no one can any longer become a really superior "victor". After a war based on the refinements that mankind is now capable of manifesting not least the atom bomb the warring parties, if they can survive it at all, will resemble merely a couple of death-rattling, mutilated individuals limping around on artificial limbs in a desert of ruins of the works of art, the cities and the cultural assets that once characterised them as civilised states.