Livets Bog, vol. 4
A discovery that shows what brings about the "animal" and the "animal kingdom" and the real "human being" and the real "human kingdom", and what prevents "lasting peace"
1518. And just as the right to take the law into one's own hands or the right of the stronger cannot continue being the perfect moral principle among individuals within nations, neither can the right to take the law into one's own hands or the right of the stronger go on being an advantageous moral principle for the mutual relations between nations or states. Evolution will result in people crying out for a higher justice or moral principle than that which suits animals – the stronger being's egoistic taking of the law into his own hands. They will cry out for true justice, namely for power and justice to become an indivisible unit. They will realise that a being in whom power and justice have not become an indivisible unit is not a real or perfect "human being", but is still an "animal". And with this realisation it will not take much to realise that a people or nation whose relationship with other nations or peoples does not constitute the same indivisible unit of justice and power, which in actual fact constitutes "neighbourly love", is not a "human kingdom" but an "animal kingdom". It is naturally a matter of course for the advanced observer that "lasting peace" cannot exist within an "animal kingdom", where the principle of "receiving rather than giving" is a vital necessity, and where an eternal struggle for protection against the manifestation of this principle on the part of one's neighbour with superior power is a vital necessity.