Livets Bog, vol. 4
How a "superpower" arises
1515. The fact that these world-ruling nations have become even more powerful over the course of time – not only by having been able to monopolise their own territory and any wealth it contained, but also by improving their ability to commandeer not merely the vital products or materials of other nations but also by having forced the peoples of these nations to submit to their will, and by extending their national boundaries by annexing these oppressed peoples' territories or native countries – is thus the absolute cause of the emergence of any people as a "superpower" today. The fact that these oppressed peoples have with the passage of time gradually reconciled themselves to their fate – indeed, the relationship between the oppressors and the oppressed may even have developed into friendship and led to these people being on an equal footing with their original oppressors, so that they today form a voluntary unit as a nation or people – does not change the belligerent or egoistic cause that was the original reason for the emergence of such a people as a "superpower" today.