Livets Bog, vol. 4
Why only non-intellectuals are happy with dictatorship
1509. While an individual in the first flock, because of its natural or as-yet innate attitude to think only the thoughts of the flock, is extremely happy to subject itself to the dictator – who represents nothing other than the thinking of this flock and therefore becomes the ideal, the leader, the king or autocrat for the individuals of the flock – the mentality of the individual who thinks individually or independently will be almost crushed by the thinking of the dictator or the flock. The entire wealth of individual thoughts that lie outside the attitude and understanding of the dictator and the flock will be flattened mercilessly by the dictatorship's ocean of prohibitions, laws and punitive sentences, regardless of how intellectual and beneficial these thoughts may be for the entire flock. Everything of genius that is not understood by the dictator or the flock will be mercilessly suppressed. By thus "weeding out" everything of genius or all new ways of thinking from the mentality of society, as if they were harmful weeds, this society or flock is thereby totally deprived of any kind of progress that cannot be understood by the dictator or the flock. Indeed, is it not so that any truly intellectual or high-intellectual progress is actually persecuted? How many personalities have not had to lose their lives at the stake or on the gallows because they had high-intellectual thoughts that would have meant enormous progress in the organisation of society or the raising of the general consciousness, if they had been allowed to develop? These ideas or this intellectual progress did not suit the dictators or those in power. They saw in them a danger or an undermining of their own power. And for this reason they had in time to be neutralised or wiped out and the authors of those ideas killed. Indeed, the principles of material rulers are not about "giving rather than receiving". It is not the progress of society or the flock that is the foundation for the existence of these beings, but the unshakeable consolidation of their own supremacy and satisfaction of their craving for power. And in order to stabilise this satisfaction, they are of course compelled to work in order also to stabilise the flock's or their people's purely material position of power. For this reason dictatorship means militarism, rearmament and war.