Livets Bog, vol. 4
How the democratic form of government prevailed over dictatorship, reducing the dictator to suicide and his henchmen to the war crimes gallows, and revealing to us the "day of judgment of the last days" with its separation of the "sheep" from the "goats"
1507. But this does not of course mean that the "principle of dictatorship" – the form of government of the past or the animal principle of power – has entirely disappeared from the mental terrains of terrestrial human beings. On the contrary, have we not just experienced the incarnation of individuals who, because of their positively morbid lust for power, their propaganda inciting violence, and their lies, torture and murder, were successful in arousing all the individuals' slavish tendencies that they had not yet acted out, thus turning them into servile, grovelling, weak-willed mental automatons in the service of their thirst for power or sadistic autocratic tendency? And did not such a being for a little while actually almost succeed in dominating or shackling the entire world with its struggle against dictatorship? And was it not just as amply confirmed or documented that dictatorship or the autocratic system is as impossible a way of governing all of terrestrial mankind today as it was a blessing in ancient Egypt and in other oriental kingdoms with initiated kings? Did not this dictator, the greatest dictator the world has known, the possessor of the most powerful, unsurpassed murder machinery, homicidal technology and propaganda system of his age – which means, camouflage of the truth or distortion of reality to his own advantage along with a staff of idolising devotees and henchmen, as well as a people numbering many millions behind him, flee pathetically from the war crimes gallows via the black back door of suicide? And will this not cause terrestrial mankind to be crippled for many years while it recovers from the destruction, ruin, disablement and cultural breakdown that was the inevitable price that terrestrial mankind as a whole had to pay in order to neutralise the sabotage of life, development, culture and humaneness that the demonic forces of dictatorship, incarnated in power-crazy beings, had carried into effect, and which in reality became the manifestation or fulfilment of the "day of judgment of the last days" prophesised in the Bible. To this must then be added the renaissance of the psychosis of revenge, the desire for retribution or the desire for capital punishment camouflaged as "justice" and "cleansing" that still rages through the mentality of terrestrial mankind. And does not this desire for capital punishment and this "cleansing" – which are nothing but camouflaged mental torture in the form of the removal of common trust, exclusion from all places of work or from all honourable work and thereby from access to one's daily bread – show that these "agents of justice" or "cleansers" are not as far above the uninitiated dictator's desire for the annihilation of those who think differently as they may appear to be in peacetime. Here it is therefore extremely important to remember that only "he who is without sin can cast the first stone".