Livets Bog, vol. 4
Why the principle of autocracy or dictatorship can no longer be the principle of government
1506. Here some people may consider such a democratic form of government to be in reality quite unnatural, for the most sensible course of action would surely be to appoint the intellectuals as the leaders or highest authority of the state and give them unlimited power. Indeed, a single being with the necessary high level of development and intellectuality installed as absolute dictator or absolute monarch would surely be far preferable. And that would of course be true if there were no such thing as evolution, which gradually developed terrestrial human beings so that they could think for themselves. It is of course precisely such a form of government that has led terrestrial human beings to their present stage. Such an intellectual being equipped with a mental capacity to rule forms the basis for the concept of a "king". A "king" was originally such a being equipped with unlimited authority and power, indeed, even over the life and death of his subjects. The former great kingdoms by the Nile were, as will be remembered, governed by mighty Pharaohs or "initiated" kings whose words were law that the masses, under threat of punishment and the death penalty, were forced to keep. These laws prescribed by the "initiated" kings or Pharaohs were rules of conduct that were absolutely necessary forerunners of the evolutionary level that terrestrial mankind had to be brought up to. And these kings were thus for a certain time – as long as terrestrial human beings were still sufficiently primitive and devoid of independent thinking and devoid of the out-and-out degenerative tendencies that characterise them today – a divine blessing for these beings. But human beings did not continue living in the same ignorance and naivety as animals, but began to learn from their experiences. One individual after another began to think a little about things, his daily experiences, his daily sufferings and difficulties. But since this independent thinking and the independent opinion or view that ensued were not required, indeed, were not even allowed of subjects under the jurisdiction of an autocrat or dictator, a conflict gradually began to arise between the individual's incipient development of an independent faculty to think and the dictatorship or the Crown. The individual began to feel that the dictatorship, which had previously been a guidance, a blessing and a protection, was now a hindrance to its incipient independent intellectual and mental life. And gradually it became increasingly difficult for a dictator or king to maintain his absolute authority and power. Violence and capital punishment had to be used to a far greater extent than previously, which had the effect that the kings or Pharaohs who had a high degree of initiation or humaneness were no longer suited to holding the post of dictator or occupying the royal thrones. Totally uninitiated individuals with a primitive degree of humaneness, who proved to be downright tyrants with perverse or sadistic tendencies combined with an insatiable desire for power, sometimes incarnated as aspirants to the throne and became the rulers of terrestrial human beings up to the present day, where the purple robe, the crown and the sceptre are more museum pieces, fancy dress or a film costume than the natural attire of a modern, present-day king or ruler.