Livets Bog, vol. 4
It becomes a matter of course that the organic functioning of the terrestrial human being must be changed so that, instead of promoting egoism and the principle of killing, it will promote unselfishness or neighbourly love
1503. The terrestrial human being, however, is not very intensely conscious of the fact that the most perfect form of existence is not merely a way of life that can be dictated to the beings by means of laws; indeed, it would be completely impossible if it were merely the fulfilment of dictates, orders or commands. Terrestrial human beings have not fully realised that all forms of life are a result or product of an organic function. Just as one cannot be a "man" except by virtue of an organic function, and one cannot be a "woman" either except by virtue of an organic function inherent to this form of life, so one cannot either constitute any other being whatsoever except by virtue of a certain special, organic function that is specific to that state of being. Being an "animal" or a killer being that can maintain its existence only through a drive for self-preservation promoted by egoism is thus exclusively the product of a particular organic function. But how can a being that is the opposite of this – a form of life that instead of being dependent on killing is dependent on giving life (manifesting love) – be a product of the same organic functioning? But if this cannot be, it must be obvious that the terrestrial human being's organic functioning must be transformed and changed so that, instead of being in favour of egoism and thereby the deadly drive for self-preservation, it must be in favour of unselfishness and thereby neighbourly love or the life-giving principle.