Livets Bog, vol. 4
It is only "outside" life that "created things" are illusory. Within life they are unshakeable reality
1054. In order to experience "created things" as illusions in an absolutely realistic or practical way, one would thus have to totally lose one's faculty to experience or sense, and in so doing one would then no longer exist as a triune principle, but merely as a single principle in the form of an "eternal something that is". But if one has lost one's faculty to experience, experience of any kind would be rendered totally impossible. And where the faculty to experience has been totally obliterated, only eternal stillness and absolute death would exist instead of absolute consciousness and absolute life. But since it is an unshakeable fact that the "eternal something that is" is not eternal stillness or death, but is consciousness and life, the "illusions" become – not illusions – but unshakeable, tangible things or true reality "within" this life. Through "Livets Bog" the highly developed researcher has thus long since become familiar with the fact that the identity of "created things" as "illusions" exists only "outside" life itself. "Inside" life the "created things" are real enough. Doctors and hospitals cannot be rendered superfluous or be replaced by the explanation that illnesses or injuries are "illusions", just as little as food and drink can be rendered superfluous by the explanation that hunger is an illusion. That "large" and "small", "time" and "space", "love" and "hatred", "greater talents" and "lesser talents", "involution" and "evolution" are realistic or true enough "within" life or where the mentioned phenomena can be experienced is the only fact that can form the foundation for creating a perfect life.