Livets Bog, vol. 3
Just as the individual's sympathy or love for the opposite sex can only exist as the functioning of an organ, so too can the individual's love for his or her own sex exist only as the functioning of an organ. The awakening of this latter kind of love or universal love
852. But how could a function of intelligence consciously take place if the individual did not have a brain? How could a being see if it did not have eyes? How could the moral guardians' own strong feelings for the beings of the opposite sex ever exist or come about if it did not depend on the functioning of their specific sexual organs? Does not the man's attraction to the woman and the woman's attraction to the man depend on the fact that he is a "male being" and she is a "female being"? And does not the degree of their marital happiness depend solely on the extent to which they appear as respectively a "male being" and a "female being"? And has not this state of being a "male" and a "female" long ago been recognised as an issue to do with the organs? Are not the organs one of the very factors by which we distinguish between "him" and "her"?
      But if a love that is so limited that it reaches only as far as the opposite sex is so dependent on the functioning of an organ, in how much greater measure must not a love that reaches all living beings regardless of their gender also be based on the functioning of an organ? What else could it be based on? Do you think that such an expression of sympathy that it is powerful enough to equal the Godhead's own radiant ocean of love is something that just springs forth out of "nothing"? If that is the case, it could just as well be present in one being as in another. Do you think that one can comply with the command to "turn the right cheek when smitten on the left" other than on the strength of a particular combination of organ functions that are already present in one's consciousness? And are not these organ functions such that, in one way or another, they must have collided with the purely marital sexual sphere, thus tempering the attitude of the "male beings" and the "female beings" towards their own sex? How else could these beings fulfil the great decree to "love one's neighbour as oneself"? The ice or coldness that there is initially between beings of the same sex must be removed. It can be removed only through the functioning of an organ. The functioning of this organ must therefore be of such an abundantly sympathy- or love-promoting nature that it can totally overwhelm the functioning of the marital sexual sphere in favour of fulfilling God's plan with human beings, which means the creation of "universal love" within the being. Do you not think that this is what is taking place when we see the degeneration of the so-called "natural" sexual condition in beings and the marital state that goes with it? How else could this transformation or evolution of the human being manifest itself? Should not this transformation gradually change the "male being's" view of the "male being" and the "female being's" view of the "female being"? And should not this view, in order for it to be in harmony with the aforementioned divine plan or development of "universal love", be nothing other than a growing "sympathy" for one's own sex? Where else could this change come about? The total completion of the divine plan depends entirely and precisely on the changing of this view. How else could the ice between beings of the same sex melt? And is not this thawing nothing other than the first awakening of spring of this "new heaven" and "new earth"? And is it not reasonable that as the awakening of spring approaches it must also create avalanches and floods of melting mental ice and snow or in many other ways create severe mental unrest? The transition from frosty and snowy winters cannot take place except through a sudden thaw, sleet and black ice. What are degenerating marriages, sexual abnormalities, perversions, falling in love with people of the same sex and so on other than this violent mental thaw through which human being's animal winter state loudly proclaims its own destruction and thereby indirectly heralds the coming of spring or the first gradual entry of the "real human kingdom" into the terrestrial spheres, continents and zones? Is it not a fulfilment of the everyday laws of Nature that is taking place here before our very eyes? Do you think that the transformation of millions of incarnated and disincarnated souls can pass off peacefully and without a sound? Do you think that deep-seated habits and tendencies that for centuries have been authorised ideals to live by can suddenly be accepted by everyone as something that is in decline and degenerating? Would not many of these life-ideals stand as "holy" and unshakable realities or eternal precepts for a great many people, even though the task of the world redeemers is to demonstrate the opposite? It is among these people that we find the zealous guardians and dogmatic preachers of morality. All these people constitute to some extent "cherubs" of a kind who are defending the Eden that they themselves are already imperceptibly in the process of abandoning and that they cannot prevent others from abandoning, since "eating of the tree of knowledge" (instruction about "good and evil" in schools, universities and colleges) is all too predominant. The churches and other areas within their domain are becoming more and more deserted.