Livets Bog, vol. 3
Why "keeping to the straight and narrow path" does not always mean following the authorised dogmas
850. "Keeping to the straight and narrow path" does not therefore always mean blindly adhering to the authorised dogmas, it means exclusively following and fulfilling Nature's own absolute demands. This alone can be the yard-stick for true normality, and this alone can bring total, one hundred per cent health for body and soul. It is true that the dogmas are abandoned in order to express this demand, but if a dogma applying to a certain situation is several thousand years old, the demands of Nature regarding that particular situation will in the meantime have changed, and the dogma will thereby be just an empty saying, a hollow juggling with words. To adhere to such an empty or meaningless string of sentences, or to make them into an ideal to live by, can thus be just as dangerous nowadays as it can have been life-enhancing thousands of years ago. Nature's absolute demands keep pace with life and change with it and signify eternal life. The demands of dogmas do not keep pace with life, but stand still, thereby gradually losing their divine contact with life. They become mental museum pieces, over which the fresh, vital life, in the form of new flesh and blood, with new experiences and new eras, swiftly rolls on. Only the dogmas, words and sentences that are in contact with this fresh, new life can be of such a universal nature that they, like life itself, exist eternally, even though heaven and earth, worlds, organisms, flesh and blood must pass away, must turn to dust or ashes so as to benefit the creation of new heavens, new worlds, planets, beings and forms of existence in the eternal paths of the spiral cycle.