Livets Bog, vol. 3
The reason for seeking sexual satisfaction must be that one needs it and not that one needs money
847. We have now had a little glimpse of what unskilled handling of the sexual energy within oneself leads to. To turn one's own highest, inner energy into an article of commerce can therefore lead to a rather dangerous chain of events. And why should it not be just as dangerous to deal irresponsibly with life's innermost fire as it is to deal irresponsibly with one's other vital factors or turn them into articles of commerce? If one imagined that the prostitute transferred their sexual business transactions to their ability to eat, is it not conceivable that things would eventually go wrong? If, for example, a man could earn money by eating and allowed himself to be lured to eat totally regardless of appetite or hunger and thus make eating his trade, can you not imagine that his constitution will become somewhat worn out? No, one must eat because one needs food, not because one needs money. And it is also the case to the very highest degree with sexuality. One should seek satisfaction for one's sexuality exclusively because one needs to in order to maintain normal, healthy well-being, both physical and mental, and not because one needs money. What good does it do to succeed in satisfying one's desire for money if one is thereby selling a part of one's healthy functioning? Natural hunger exists in order to be satisfied. And satisfaction exists in order to protect and maintain healthy functioning and not to eliminate it. Sexuality is therefore one of the important areas in which the individual must especially "watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak".