Livets Bog, vol. 3
Why husbands also have "mistresses" in addition to their wives. When the ability to fall in love is much stronger than the erotic urge. The fate of "mistresses"
845. Side by side with these extremely erotic individuals there also exists another type. In this type the erotic urge finds release almost entirely through the state of being in love. These beings would be excellent husbands were it not for the fact that their amorous love is so short-lived that, after finding sexual satisfaction a few times with their loved one, it totally loses its power towards her, only to flare up when they meet a new object of their urge to fall in love. It goes without saying that such beings' state of being in love with their wives is soon over. But custom, discretion, social position and children in the marriage sometimes constitute serious obstacles in the way of divorce. And many of these beings must remain in the marriage, even though they are no longer in love with their wives and can therefore no longer find any particular sexual satisfaction with her. It is a matter of course that a large number of these beings also become "customers" of prostitution. Since these beings therefore do not fall in love until they feel the erotic urge, the overt women of the streets or brothels are of no interest to them. They cannot expect to find among these women someone who will be mutually in love with them. And, to the extent that they can afford it, these beings become "customers" of another and more indirect section of female prostitution. We normally call beings from this section of prostitution "mistresses". Such mistresses are young women whose urge to fall in love is equally fleeting and who are therefore not suited for marriage. But they also fall in love and so are willing to live in clandestine or secret relationships with men who are already married, as long as the latter have sufficiently fat cheque-books. These women like to live in great luxury as they have dealings only with men who are financially independent and can thus satisfy their tastes and whims. It is inevitable that not all these women can expect such luxury into old age. Once they are no longer able to compete for the favour of their wealthy lovers, they sink to another and far less favourable "price level" and must make do with more modest requirements; indeed they sometimes descend right down to the previously mentioned stages in the power of a pimp. Obviously, this entire form of existence cannot spread throughout these beings' nervous system without greatly damaging their mentality and entire moral attitude. It is likewise a foregone conclusion that a married man cannot find solace for his nerves within such secret relationships and at the same time feel happy, in harmony and at home with his wife and children. That such beings become dependent on morphine or other narcotic stimulants renders the undermining of themselves only still more drastic. The endless tension and unease in connection with exaggerated sexual pleasure is not exactly a way of life that makes the mentality directly receptive for the "great birth" or "cosmic consciousness".