Livets Bog, vol. 3
Male prostitution and its effects: sexual degeneration, chronic unemployment, lethargy, swindling, dishonesty and the transforming of the beings into psychopaths that in turn leads to internment, castration and hospitalisation
843. The fact that prostitutes (especially the male ones) also allow themselves to be bought by those of their own sex to provide sexual phenomena that constitute a satisfaction of a hunger that they themselves absolutely do not have, but that they agree to merely for the sake of gain, is also the beginning of a mental career that leads to an endless series of sufferings. Gradually it weakens any wish for a natural occupation, at the same time as it undermines the person's normal sexual desire and its satisfaction through intimate association with the opposite sex. Such prostitutes gradually begin to long for satisfaction through intimate association with their own sex. And their prostitution therefore often becomes merely a cloak under which they pretend to be "normal", consenting to the "abnormal" only on the grounds of being "unemployed". One should therefore not believe too strongly in such a statement. The majority of those who engage in intimate sexual phenomena with their own sex are already beings that are far advanced in sexual degeneration, and who cannot find complete satisfaction in living together with someone of the opposite sex. On closer inspection it appears that these beings are in reality "unemployed" or destitute precisely on account of their sexual degeneration. As living together with someone of the opposite sex does not have enough attraction and cannot give them complete sexual satisfaction, such beings do not have the strongly stimulating urge to marry and have a family that "normal" individuals have. Unlike the latter, they do not have some particularly enlivening future ideal to work towards. We see therefore that to a great extent these beings lack the desire to work. And having no such desire, their otherwise sometimes excellent talents and abilities are weakened, and a distinct lethargy fills their consciousness.
      It is a matter of course that such beings will not be of much value in a job or at a place of work. They are easily dismissed from their job, which in reality is not something that they find unwelcome. And this gives rise to the band of idle beings we call the "chronically unemployed". And under the excuse that they are unable to find work, they drift into all sorts of ways of scraping by and swindling, which to any experienced researcher is clear from the activity around a town's public conveniences, squares and marketplaces. As long as these beings are still young and good-looking, they cling to prostitution. This kind of prostitution certainly has its well-to-do "customers". But once they become a bit older and are no longer erotically attractive to these "customers", they take to other forms of swindling, and they increasingly have to scrape by through begging or becoming tramps or scroungers, finally depending on the social welfare system, if their fraudulent dealings have not already put them in prison or they have not already sunk into drunkenness or other kinds of impurities. What do you think these beings will look like in future lives? Do you think that it is these individuals' talent kernels and other mental states that can be of any particular service as the basis of "cosmic consciousness"? Do you think that the holy spirit is particularly the atmosphere of such beings? No, this road of sexual deviation from the so-called "normal" does not lead directly to heaven, but to a large extent constitutes the sphere from which are recruited those abnormal people we call "psychopaths". These beings' abnormality shows itself in the specific dispositions and tendencies that are developed through excessive idleness, vagrancy, scraping by and swindling. Through one or more lives in such a sphere, they have to a great extent lost their familiarity with truth or honesty. In an existence in which one has no desire for married life or other vital values that promote or stimulate a natural desire to work, so that one therefore shies away from all real work, but at the same time one has to exist, strong claims are made on the imagination. Swindling cannot be accomplished very well with the help of honesty. Consequently, all kinds of stories are invented in order to impress and gain the confidence of one's victims. As far as possible this kind of person pretends to be a "representative", a "doctor", a "manager" or such like, or in some other way seeks to give his victims the impression that he occupies some important position, in accordance with how these impressions can benefit or play a part in the given coup situations. And it is this daily identification with an unreal thought world that is dangerous. Enormous talent kernels in this particular area will be developed, in fact they become so well-developed that the being no longer has the full control over what is fantasy and what is reality, especially in its memory. Such a being's past is for itself such a tangle of fantasy and reality that in the end it is impossible to make out what is what. It is no wonder that its accounts of its own existence are strange. And the situation is not made any brighter by the fact that it takes these talent kernels with them into the next life, where they flourish to an even greater extent. Here the being does not recount only fanciful stories that are in favour of their coup situations, but it also tells stories in situations where it is quite unnecessary to do so. It wants to impress its surroundings, and its accounts of itself have now become meaningless boasting about fantastic projects in which they imagine themselves to be the all-powerful hero and driving force. It is of course obvious that a being that lives like this in an unreal world instead of in reality, and with an attitude to sexuality that is not under well-informed development or control and can therefore result in various unfortunate and dangerous phenomena, cannot come into contact with the real world. It hastens at ever increasing speed towards confinement, internment, castration and hospitalisation, or other measures through which society seeks to mitigate such a calamity. In truth it is dangerous to make one's sexual life a business concern and falsehood one's ideal.