Livets Bog, vol. 3
Women prostitutes. Pimping and its effects
842. Neither is it common for male or female prostitutes to turn their back on this new sphere of theirs and find joy in being faithful marriage partners. No, such beings are no longer able to find happiness there. And as they cannot find happiness in their new sphere either, they have to pursue it in other sexual spheres and seek release through other sexual methods. The excitation of the sexual nervous system that previously gave them a natural sexual satisfaction is now, due to the daily over-stimulation it receives, no longer anything like sufficient. New and more drastic means of excitation are needed. But as they cannot obtain these methods of excitation from their "customers", who are looking for only the ordinary, natural satisfaction, they have to acquire it in other ways. In this connection, it is particularly the women prostitutes we are referring to. They themselves therefore in turn have to "buy" the particular drastic or brutal stimulation that they need in order that their sexual release can take place. And at this point we witness a new, ominous type of prostitution. As it is in the first place mainly the women prostitutes who are the "customers" in this new type of prostitution, it must chiefly involve men. Such men are known in everyday life as "pimps", and their prostitution is known as "pimping". It is a matter of course that those who practise "pimping" are not gentle or sensitive beings. And as it is precisely brutality and harshness that these women need in order to obtain sexual release, it is a foregone conclusion that they can make use of only men in whom such characteristics are present as a natural tendency. These women therefore to a greater or lesser extent attach themselves to such men through whose brutality and rough nature they can obtain the stronger nervous excitation needed for them to achieve sexual release. In return the woman has to give the "pimp" an extremely large part of the earnings she receives from her own "customers". As we can see, it is not just for the purpose of "protection" from awkward or deceitful "customers" that the woman prostitute has attached the "pimp" to herself. He is also for her an equally vital "sexual partner". The fact that in many cases they join up to attack, rob or blackmail her "customers" is another matter in itself. The main issue in the connection between these two beings is their own intimate "sexual coexistence" and the "pimp's" financial exploitation of the woman that is based on it. It is quite obvious that this kind of "sexual coexistence" leads the two beings further and further away from everything that is natural in sexuality. The excitation needs to be stronger and stronger in order for release to take place. And the "pimp" gradually introduces this exercising of brutality into his own sexual being, thereby developing tendencies that finally create a "sex murderer", while the woman for her part becomes used to being a match for him at this stage. Her sexual release can eventually be achieved only through the excitement, fear and tension brought about by the life-threatening violence and ill-treatment of her organism by her sexual partner. It is unavoidable that on their journey away from the "Garden of Eden" they have to pass through various consciousness-destroying, terrifying stages in their sphere of abnormal sexuality. That in future lives they will have strangely warped tendencies that will lead them alternately to prisons and mental hospitals, if they are not already from childhood confined in an institution for the mentally ill, are facts that are perfectly obvious to the advanced researcher whose sight extends over more than one incarnation. Any researcher should find that it is self-evident that such a sexual life does not lead directly to "cosmic consciousness".