Livets Bog, vol. 3
The beings want to enjoy sex, but they use their intelligence to try to avoid its natural consequences or effects, i.e. fertilisation and offspring. The transformation of organisms and other noticeable signs of degeneration
839. Terrestrial human beings to a great extent make use of their awakening consciousness in the sexual area to counteract the principle of procreation in their sexual drive. The beings do not want offspring and are thus already a very long way away from the original "Garden of Eden". They want to retain the pleasure of sex, but they use their growing intelligence to try to avoid its troublesome effects. The fact that the evolution of women is proceeding in the direction of smaller hips and a narrower pelvis, indeed, a pelvis that is already so narrow that many women are now unsuited to give birth, while at the same time the fact that the evolution of men is proceeding more and more in a feminine direction, away from a robust organism with rough, ape-like musculature, towards a more smoothly rounded figure with softer lines, are in fact phenomena that cannot in any way be confirmed as a tailwind for the beings' original mammalian procreative state. That they allow their offspring to suckle at a cow's udder via a bottle with a rubber teat instead of at the mother's breast is not a phenomenon either that maintains and develops the woman's appearance as a genuine "female being" with an ability to give her child life from her own breast. But even if there are of course a large number of women who have not yet lost this truly female ability, it cannot be flattering that among these nursing mothers there are a good many who feel pleasure, indeed, even a longing to sit enveloped in a cloud of tobacco smoke, with a longing to fill their throats and lungs with the smoke from a great many cigarettes, thirsting for all kinds of alcoholic liquids such as whisky and cocktails or any other of the camouflaged poisons that form a part of what is so-called "social acceptability". In truth what is it this child is suckling from such a mother together with her milk? If the little being is not poisoned already in its cradle it will not be thanks to civilisation or the so highly valued "social acceptability", far less the mother. No, these days Eve is picking more apples from the tree of knowledge than ever before. The women of today cannot possibly dwell in a "Garden of Eden" where such picking is forbidden. That a man makes his wife pregnant while drunk or perhaps actually feels more drawn to drink than to amorousness is also one of the facts that show that twentieth century Adam is also very much indulging in the "forbidden fruit", and likewise can be only a foreigner in the "Garden of Eden", where procreation of the species is the highest ideal, the one and only legitimate – when seen from the point of view of life – or the one and only permitted, pleasure and sphere of interest.