Livets Bog, vol. 3
The meeting of two great evolutionary epochs. The world redeemer and the monopoly of marriage
837. So what are we witnessing here? Is the world redeemer's decree abnormal? Is his very being and unmarried state abnormal? Or are the old, traditional dogmas abnormal? No, neither the marital dogmas nor the condition of the world redeemer is abnormal, but they are to the very highest degree an expression of the meeting between two extremely different evolutionary epochs. We are at the boundary between two totally different mental spheres, namely the "animal kingdom" and the "real human kingdom". The old marital or sexual dogmas are the laws or conditions for preserving and maintaining the "one-poled" state of being that terrestrial humans have inherited from their primordial state, as well as the principle of procreation that goes with it, whereas the world redeemer's being and manifestation is an expression of the law that protects and develops the first signs of the "two-poled" state in terrestrial human beings, and which forms the basis of the new sphere of interest. Whereas the dogmas are experienced through the consciousness of one-poled beings, the decree of the Christ-being is experienced through the consciousness of a two-poled being. As the one-poled being is only a "half-being" and can reach the highest sensation of life only through an intimate connection with a "half-being" of the opposite sex, it is obvious that all the one-poled being's laws and regulations about life must point in the direction of stimulating and perfecting this connection. As the world redeemer is a two-poled being, he constitutes a "whole being". The intimate connection with a "half-being" of the opposite sex cannot fill his life. Since he possesses, to perfection, the opposite sex within himself and is thereby just as fully day-conscious in both poles as a one-poled being is in its one pole, there is no opposite sex to whom he can long to be joined in marriage. Such a being is equally free of both kinds of "half-being", both men and women. Its intimate sexuality and sexual release take place to a great extent mentally, since the "body of the true human being", that is to say, the special organism for this double-sexed being, is still not yet fully developed on Earth. Every human being that is born on Earth, regardless of how two-poled they may be sexually, must therefore still appear in the special "male organism" or "female organism" according to which physical exterior we describe its originator as respectively "man" or "woman".