Livets Bog, vol. 3
The new sphere of interest found in both sexes and the inherited religious traditions and dogmas
835. But here, as in so many other areas of development, the being is not immediately day-conscious of what is happening to it. It still lives by the old ideas and traditions and judges any initial signs of natural, new mental phenomena within itself, and especially within its neighbour, that are not wholly in contact with these traditions and long-accepted dogmas, the fulfilment of which has been common practice for centuries, as "abnormal", "sinful" and "punishable". And, of course, it is also important that these new signs do not develop too wildly and without a plan. The perfect being cannot be created from one moment to the next. But in the long term, the new mental phenomena, that is to say the "new sphere of interest", cannot be suppressed. Sooner or later it will break into the being's day-consciousness, breaking down the obstructive, old-fashioned traditions and dogmas, regardless of the cost and regardless of how "sinful" or "godless" one, in the light of these traditions, will be branded. What are we witnessing in the many marriages that end in divorce, unhappy marriages, reluctance to have children in a marriage, propaganda in favour of abortion, infidelity in marriage, unrequited love, a far too fleeting tendency to fall in love, beings falling in love with their "own sex", perversities, sex murders and so on? Are not all of these expressions of growing marital ineptitude in the beings?
      By branding this ineptitude as "sodomy", "sinful" or "of the devil", one is in contact with the traditional dogmas about marriage, but one is thereby at the same time a messenger from a moral epoch whose supporters are more and more on their way to disappearing. So what is this message other than an echo from another time in which the marital ineptitude of the generations was still not nearly as widespread as it is now, and when it could therefore be held in check or propped up by well-meaning, traditional exhortations from pulpits? But this is no longer the case. Something more is now needed. There has to be a completely new wave of light, and an understanding and judicial system based on it, if there is to be joy and happiness again among the individuals. The generations can no longer be propped up with an echo. Neither baptism, confirmation, sacraments at the altar, nor punishment, imprisonment or penal servitude, despite their having existed for millennia, have been able to prevent the spread of marital impoverishment. Nothing is disintegrating more than the power of these old traditions and dogmas. The "new sphere of interest" in both "sexes" cannot be suppressed by dogmas, persecution or punishment. With the increasing expansion of this "new sphere of interest", which is exclusively the condition for the being's transformation from "animal" to "human being", these inherited dogmas become correspondingly superfluous, indeed, in some cases, an actual hindrance of normal mental growth and the natural fulfilment of the Godhead's own work of creation, the Godhead's decision, purpose or plan with terrestrial human beings. Indeed, is it not the case that for many individuals the mere sight of a cross or other religious symbol on the cover of a book is enough to deter them from leafing through it, still less reading it? Is it not so that many people actually feel mentally nauseous at the thought of such concepts as the "Godhead", the "holy spirit", "Christ" and such like? How many people are there not who for the time being ignore "Livets Bog" because they believe that it is based on the same old moral prejudices and interpretations of the eternal truths or conclusions about life? Are such people more "godless", more "evil", more "depraved" than those who believe in dogmas? Definitely not. Who has not found just as many good-hearted and loving people among these "dissenters", "non-believers" or "irreligious beings" as among the most zealous, religious adherents of dogmas? And among the latter do we not find just as much suffering, illness and difficult fates as among the ranks of "non-believers", in spite of the fact that the "orthodox" think that they are in possession of "absolution" and therefore have the Godhead's special favour and good graces? It is not dogmas alone that cause this, for in that case it would be impossible to find truly loving human beings among the "non-believers", just as it would be equally impossible to find sick and suffering people among the real "believers", for the dogmas actually decree that everyone who believes in them is granted absolute forgiveness of their sins. And with this forgiveness, suffering would no longer be possible, since, according to the dogmas, suffering is "punishment for sin". And if "sins" have been "forgiven", why then all this suffering? Is it not the contradiction of the dogmas by these facts that is gradually undermining the belief in them, thereby creating "non-belief" or "irreligiousness"? And is it not this "irreligiousness" that to such a large extent characterises modern terrestrial human beings?