Livets Bog, vol. 3
Individuals of both sexes have to share being admired by the opposite sex with a new sphere of interest that has arisen in the latter
833. The terrestrial human being has an ability to admire that has nothing to do with its ability to admire the beings of the opposite sex. It therefore represents, as already mentioned, two rather distinct, essential qualities in its consciousness. Of these two qualities, the oldest is the ability to admire beings of the opposite sex and the married life that goes with it. This is inherited from the being's primordial state when it totally dominated the beings' sphere of interest. The other ability to admire, which has given the individual a completely new sphere of interest, is something that came about later. This "new sphere of interest" that has emerged cannot therefore avoid being a rival that competes with the opposite sex for its originator's admiration and consequent favour and worship.
      The fact that the being's ability to admire has in this way been split in favour of admiring and worshiping something that lies outside the opposite sex cannot possibly have benefitted the being's interest in this sex. The beings of this sex have to accept the fact that they no longer possess the total admiration of the opposite sex. This in turn means that the woman has to share the man's favours with the new sphere of interest that has emerged in him, just as the man in the same way has to share the woman's favours with the new sphere of interest that has emerged in her.