Livets Bog, vol. 3
The dependency of the two sexes upon each other. A happy marriage
831. Because the beings are thus divided into "specifically male beings" and "specifically female beings", it has become an important desire for every one of these beings to succeed in living together with at least one being of the opposite sex. Living together like this is the only way they can fulfil the appetite for life or the desire to give expression to those qualities of the consciousness that Nature has equipped them with. And the satisfaction of this appetite for life is the only thing that can constitute the vigour that is an indication of the joy and happiness in existence. A "male being" is hungry for a being that can admire his masculine qualities and that, in this ecstasy of admiration, wants to possess him as the absolute one and only object of its adoration, devotion and submission. How should a "male being" find such a being among its own sex? These beings have exactly the same hunger. Which other being than the feminine being can satisfy such a hunger? It possesses as inborn talents all the conditions needed in order to fulfil this satisfaction, and at the same time the whole of this being's appetite for life can be satisfied only by succeeding in being this satisfaction of a masculine being's appetite for life. Just as with the masculine being, the feminine being cannot achieve fulfilment of its appetite for life through its "own sex". They are all beings that are born to have the same hunger. We can therefore see that the two sexes, according to the specific types of thought or life substances that make up their consciousness, fit exactly into each other like two cogs in a machine. And the better the teeth of these cogs fit into each other, the more perfectly and smoothly the machine will run. Wherever two beings of opposite sexes live with each other, their life together will be more perfect and a greater satisfaction of each other's mutual appetite for life, the more each of them represents their sex's qualities in their pure state. This is what we would call a "happy marriage".