Livets Bog, vol. 3
"One-poled beings". "Specifically male beings" and "specifically female beings"
828. It is not surprising that sexuality appears split into two mental groups in the consciousness of terrestrial human beings, of which one group is seen by the beings as "sexuality" and the other as something quite unrelated to it. The terrestrial human being is a being that, as a result of evolution, finds itself slowly waking up from the "animal kingdom". And this kingdom is based exclusively on that very form of "sexuality" on which the reproduction of terrestrial human beings' organisms still depends. In the animal this aspect of "sexuality" completely fills its consciousness. It lives exclusively in order to promote and protect the survival of the species. And furthermore, as this "sexuality" is manifested only in the form of "one-poled" beings, that is, as specifically "male beings" and specifically "female beings", these beings' sphere of interest is already in advance to a corresponding degree severely limited. In this respect a specifically "male being" must be understood as a being whose consciousness is the domain of only the "masculine pole", while the specifically "female being" is a being whose consciousness is the domain of only the "feminine pole".