Livets Bog, vol. 3
Everyone is fertilising everyone, just as everyone is being made pregnant by everyone. In the absolute sense the experience of life is sexual satisfaction. Why vital functions are not always pleasant. The unpleasant is just as necessary as the pleasant
826. This has enabled us to begin to witness that the process that we otherwise know merely as an ordinary sexual act between a "male" and a "female" being, and that is even perceived by some as a profane, primitive and degrading phenomenon, and is even to a large extent considered "sinful" and thereby demeaning, is in principle really the eternal, all-penetrating, outermost and innermost being of life itself. This principle is even more widespread than the wave crests on the ocean; it is the ocean itself. It is the mass of water that makes up the sea. "Conception", "pregnancy" and "birth" are stages that all "forms of movement" in their contact with the I must inevitably pass through. They are therefore landmarks in the "movement's" passage in the domain of the I. Every single time a being receives a sensation or experiences an impression, a thought, an idea or a notion it is subjected to a "conception". And with all the experiences that it has gained and that constitute its consciousness, it has "become pregnant". And in this "pregnancy" these are changed by the I into "embryos" for new life that also hasten towards their "birth", so that it is once again able to provide "seed" for "fertilisation" or "procreation" of new life for other I's, and so on continuously. Whereas every new experience, that is to say, the acquisition of every new impression, is a "conception", every form of manifestation or revelation of our thoughts, our releasing of will and creative power is a "fertilisation" of our surroundings, or those beings on whom our revelation makes an impression. The impressions we make on our surroundings are in this way our "seed". Everyone is fertilising everyone, just as everyone is being made pregnant by everyone. In reality we find ourselves in intimate sexual connection with the whole world. In the absolute sense the experience of life is a sexual release.
      It is no wonder that all normal vital functions are a pleasure. It is a pleasure to eat; it is a pleasure to defecate; it is a pleasure to be able to work, just as it is a pleasure to be able to rest. It is a pleasure to be able to hear, to see, to smell, to taste and to feel. It is a pleasure to be able to be born, just as it is a pleasure to be able to die. Everything that is in direct contact with the laws of life is, and will be, eternally a pleasure. Whenever one does not sense it as such, one is only indirectly in contact with the laws of life. We know that these indirect contacts must of necessity within a certain physical area be painful, otherwise the direct contacts, that is to say the sweetness of conception and pregnancy, could never ever become a reality, and the very peak of the sensation of life experience, that is to say the bodily as well as the mental experience of the fact that "everything is very good", would thereby be completely excluded from every single being. For how could one have this experience if there were no possibility of creating and experiencing its contrast? This contrast, because it causes pain and suffering, is certainly not recognised at the moment of experiencing it as something that is good, and it would of course never be something good if it did not inevitably give the individual the knowledge, in other words, the ability to distinguish the "pleasant" from the "unpleasant". As this ability constitutes the principle of life itself, and is in fact consciousness itself, all the unpleasant things are seen as just as necessary as the pleasant things and are therefore acknowledged as just as good as them.