Livets Bog, vol. 3
The I's "turning" of the "movement" constitutes the deepest analysis of the principle of "sexuality". "Conception", "pregnancy" and "birth" are merely stages in the I's carrying out of the "turning" of the "movement"
825. One should not think that this I's "turning" of the "movement" or the energy is entirely the same as that represented by a rubber ball bouncing back from a wall against which it has been thrown. The I is not a "dead" wall, and the "movement's" passage towards it and back from it is not as direct and simple as the rubber ball's movement towards the wall and back again. It gives rise to a "pregnancy". Here we are in fact faced with the very deepest analysis of the principle of "sexuality", which in turn forms the foundation of everything that comes under the concept of "procreation" and upon which the survival of the species or the existence of things exclusively depends. In the I's "turning" of a "movement" or energy we experience a "conception", a "pregnancy" and a resultant "birth". Through our I's attracting and receiving a "form of movement", we experience a "conception". In the particular "turning" of this "form of movement", that is to say, its development and transformation while in the possession of the I, we experience a "pregnancy". And with this transformed "form of movement's" liberation or returning from the I, we experience a "birth". The "form of movement" that the I attracts through its primordial desire constitutes the "seed" or "seminal fluid". Through its accumulation in the domain of the I, it is transformed into an "embryo". When the "movement's" turning is accomplished, that is to say, when it has received the I's full effect and once again leaves its domain, the "embryo" has become a "child" and is "born". This "child" can in turn continue its life, becoming new "seed", which "impregnates" other I's, whereupon new "embryos" come into being that become "children" that once again continue their lives as new contributory factors in the eternal fertilisation and procreation that we call "life".