Livets Bog, vol. 3
Where the terrestrial human being cannot see "movement" as a "sign of life" materialism arises or the superstition that "things come about by themselves". Materialism is also one of the stages that must disappear in the face of "cosmic clear-sightedness"
823. When an energy is "turned" by an I, it becomes, as we have said, a "sign of life". But as the readers already know, not all "turnings" of movement effected by an I can be seen by the terrestrial human being. And wherever it is unable to see this "turning", it is unable to see the "movement" as a "sign of life", and instead it considers it to have "come about by itself". The so-called "materialistic" attitude in the terrestrial human being is due to this way of seeing. This defective visual faculty is the reason why a being can be extremely intelligent without being intellectual, indeed can be a doctor or a professor while at the same time still culminating in the superstition that things outside the recognised forms of life come about by themselves, and that movement, matter and Nature are "dead" forces. Their acknowledgment is thus in reality, even though they themselves are unaware of it, a worship of Nature as a headless being, as predominantly a corpse, despite the fact that they are revelling in investigating this "dead" being's colossal revelations of high-intellectuality, logic and wealth of creativity. They are searching totally in vain for chance occurrences, everything being brilliantly planned, everything consisting of functions that unfold, each according to its predetermined, precise timing, wherever the researcher or the terrestrial human being does not prevent it.
      But these "believers" in materialism and "non-believers" in intellectuality are compelled to have this attitude until they reach such a high step in their investigations that they are able to survey the issue as a whole, and from there witness that all the "dead" forces are also energies that have been "turned by an I", that they are "signs of life" of living beings, even though in totally different sizes than the mesocosmic ones, which they themselves have up till now recognised as the only expressions of life that exist. On the strength of this survey of the whole they will see through both the macrocosmos and microcosmos and see that each of these constitutes merely a world of the same eternal laws, the same subtle logic and perfect display of will, manifestation and creative power as that which they themselves have become authorities in preaching from the platforms of educational institutions and universities. They will see that "everything is alive", "everything is logical" and thereby advantageous, loving and a revelation of divinity. They see that the universe is thought, consciousness and life, and that this life constitutes the Godhead's spirit or consciousness in which we all live and move and have our being. They will recognise this sight to be the cosmic clear-sightedness or the true experience of the eternal wisdom.