Livets Bog, vol. 3
The eternal answers, such as, the triune principle, each of the three "X's", the eternal body, the superconsciousness and subconsciousness etc. exist due to absolute sight and constitute the eternal being itself. The relative perceptions are this eternal being's outer, changing light or radiance. When one denies "cosmic consciousness" at the same time as experiencing the "relative perceptions"
820. And it is on the strength of this "absolute" sight that such answers as the "triune principle", each of the three "X's", the "body of eternity", the "superconsciousness" and "subconsciousness" and so on have been acknowledged. There is not one single instance in which these answers are merely reactions of the contact of movements with movements, but they are all one hundred per cent expressions of their identity as "signs of life". Their existence is also one hundred per cent identical to the I's eternal existence. They all constitute revelations of the meeting of movements with, and radiation from, the "divine something". They cannot exist independently. Not one of these could exist if the I did not exist. And the I would never ever be an expression of life if they did not exist. They are all phenomena that are themselves not created, but on the contrary constitute eternal foundations on which creation rests, rooted in the eternal "something", with which it jointly constitutes the individual's entire appearance. It is these eternal answers or absolute realities that constitute the "living being" itself, whether in the form of the "son of God" or in the form of the "God". And we sense the outer, changing, scintillating and warming display of energy of this living being's eternal life, or the details in its radiant glory, as "relativities". But to sense the "relativities" while at the same time denying the "cosmic consciousness" and the "living something" behind them is tantamount to seeing and experiencing the light of the sun while at the same time denying its very existence. But to deprive the "relativities" of any form of reality will in turn be the same as depriving cosmic individuality of any form of outer manifestation, radiant power and life. It is to be in opposition to the facts. Death does not enshroud the universe. The universe is scintillating movement, movement is change, change is variation of light and variation of light is variation of colour, which thereby becomes the eternal living being's scintillating radiance, by which we ourselves are overshadowed and with which we ourselves overshadow everything.