Livets Bog, vol. 3
A look back at the material through which we can document the existence of the I
810. With this minor digression outside the subject of our heading "life substances", we have substantiated with irrefutable evidence our acknowledgment of the meeting of the movements with the I. We have seen that there is absolutely no getting around the existence of a thought- and will-directing "something", and that this "something" appears in our own sense of life as an experiencing, thought- and will-directing centre. We saw that this centre, or I, was acknowledged and expressed by the living beings long before they had any poetic talents or talents of intelligence, and, as a result, this expression could not have come about as a result of imagination or speculation, but could have come about only as a purely necessary, practical measure that enabled the beings to express to one another this exceptionally dominant sense of centre in their consciousness, long before "imaginary pictures" were able to play any kind of role in their sense of life or the beginnings of their waking day-consciousness. By focusing on our own being, our own self, we gained a new confirmation of the unshakable existence of the "triune principle". It became an unshakable reality to us that there exists more than "matter" or "movement", and that the mere acknowledgment of this phenomenon cannot possibly cover or constitute a completely satisfactory analysis of reality. As the existence of the I has thus become just as much a living reality to us as matter, it is now easier for us to begin to acknowledge the highest structure and appearance of the living being in eternity itself. The first detail of this structure in our sense of life is therefore the sense of centre that we call the "I". This is sensed as the very innermost part in our sense of life, in fact so far inside that it lies behind absolutely every visible or perceptible thing, and equally behind absolutely every thought, idea or concept that can possibly arise or appear in our consciousness. It lies behind absolutely every form of matter and behind absolutely every form of movement. This therefore means that it lies behind consciousness itself. As it therefore lies "inside" everything that can be sensed, our sense of the presence of this I cannot be sensed in any other way than as a "blind spot", thereby confirming its highest identity as a "something" that exists above all matter, energy and movement. If it did not constitute such a "blind spot" or such an "X", it would have to be identical to movement or matter, it would have to be identical to thought or consciousness. But what would our sense of life have been like then?