Livets Bog, vol. 3
The I appears as a mid-point or centre in our consciousness that cannot be sensed, and it is therefore sensed as a "blind spot"
806. But before we return to the "life substances" there is one more issue we have to deal with. As we have said, we experience life as a sense of an "inner" and an "outer" world. But there exists one more sense in our experience of life. It is the actual sense of centre. We are the midpoint in the universe, wherever we may happen to be. It is this "sense of midpoint" we call the "I" because we feel this "midpoint" as separate from "it". But how do we experience this actual "midpoint"? We experience the aforementioned I as the midpoint not only in the outer world, but it is also sensed as the midpoint in our "inner world". This means that both these worlds lie "outside" the I. It is within or inside both of them. Since all the things that we sense or experience are details or phenomena from our "outer" or "inner" world – regardless of what we might experience or whatever thoughts we might have, and the "I" is always sensed as inside them – they cannot possibly be details from the I. Our sensing of the I is therefore identical to an experience of a "blind spot". The I is therefore also here seen as a point in our consciousness that cannot be sensed. That it is there, has been shown over and over again in "Livets Bog" to be an irrefutable fact. And it is precisely its identity as a "blind spot" that causes us to be able to define it only as "X" or as "something that is". And we have now in this most recent statement of ours quite clearly expressed this "something" just as it appears in our very sense of life. That it can be sensed only as a "blind spot" in no way invalidates its presence in our consciousness. On the contrary, if it were not in itself such an invisible point, our identity as living beings would be an impossibility; indeed, life would not exist at all. An eternal, total stillness, and consequently an everlasting death, would unfailingly exist, where life now radiates and sparkles, since the "something" that today reveals itself as the experiencing, creating midpoint with its own will would be totally missing. This, the living being's sense of centre or the experience of this "blind spot", is thus the foremost experience in sensory perception's entire radiant ocean of experiences.