Livets Bog, vol. 3
Why living beings believe that Nature's creative processes "come about by themselves"
803. That a being's manifestations are a reflection or constitute a creation of "outer", visible "copies" of phenomena or details in the being's "inner world", can no doubt be acknowledged by every intelligent terrestrial human being. But it is not so widely acknowledged that these details in the being's "inner world" are a reflection from the "outer" visible world, or more or less constitute "copies" of occurrences that the being has experienced through its senses in the "outer world" and that it has itself adapted. Of course, it is not so much the purely human manifestations or products that we are thinking of here. If we look at these, it is not so difficult to see that they constitute products of previous knowledge and are a result of study or processed "copies" (experiences) from former experiences in the "outer world". But it is, on the contrary, much more difficult for the individuals to understand that absolutely all physical manifestations, both those we call products of Nature and those that are a product of animal and human mentality are, in their deepest analysis, processed reflections from beings' "inner world". That a piece of furniture is a reflection of a pre-existing mental idea is easy to understand because it is a manifestation that is on a "wavelength" so similar to our own manifestations that we know it could not possibly have come about if it had not been a "copy" of such a pre-existing mental original, but to understand that a tree in a forest or a flower in a field has just as little possibility of existing without being a physical "copy" of a pre-existing or mental original has until now not constituted any kind of basic reality for terrestrial human beings. The living being in whose "inner world" the tree or the flower appears as a processed reflection or impression from a pre-existing experience in an "outer world" is here of such macrocosmic dimensions that it passes completely unnoticed across the day-consciousness of ordinary terrestrial human beings. The "wavelengths" used here are far too immense to be capable of being grasped by the ordinary, physical organs of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. And the living being consequently considers that "Nature's creative processes come about by themselves", despite the fact that in no case whatsoever are these processes inferior to human creations in terms of logic, ingenuity and perfection. On the contrary, which school, university or educational establishment can represent a knowledge that is not an accumulation of experiences from the creative process that has over the ages transformed the Earth from a glowing gaseous mass of liquid fire to its present stage with highly evolved, flesh-and-blood beings that can think and create? And can anyone possibly point to a more perfect example of logical creative power? Has any university professor or any creative genius ever been able to display anything approaching such creative achievements?