Livets Bog, vol. 3
Manifestation and creation. The material world can exist only as a reflection of the living beings' "inner world"
801. But just as the "outer world" is, through our senses, reflected in our "inner world", so too can our "inner world" be reflected in the "outer world". The changes we make in the "copies" in our "inner world" we can make visible in the "outer world", where they can be seen by our fellow beings. Here in the matter of the "outer world" we must then form or create "copies" of the copies or phenomena that have come into existence or have taken form in our "inner world". It is this reproduction in the "outer world" of the copies of the "inner world" that we call "manifestation" or "creation". Every manifestation or creation is thus in reality simply a copy or reproduction in the "outer world" of the living beings' "inner world". This "outer world" is, in its coarsest form of existence, experienced as what we call the "physical world". And, as the readers will understand, it is this that is usually regarded as the "material world". But this "material world" cannot under any circumstances whatsoever exist or come into being other than as a reflection of the living beings' "inner world". It is this fact we have met previously in "Livets Bog" when we acknowledged that a house cannot be built without a builder, just as a suit of clothes cannot be made without a tailor. What is a house or a suit of clothes other than a manifestation in physical matter of "copies" of phenomena in the "inner world" of the originator in question?