Livets Bog, vol. 3
The "movement" has its alpha and omega in "X2". The originator of the "movement" or "X1" becomes a fact through indirect sensory perception
790. So what is it that takes place in this mysterious region that we call "X2" or this setting where the "movement" meets the I? Well, at all events nothing takes place that is in any way whatsoever directly accessible to the senses. That we have established that the "movement" has its origin in "X2" is merely due to the fact that we can see that it neither begins nor ends in "X1" or "X3". It must therefore inevitably have its "alpha" and "omega" in "X2". The fact that all "movement" or "reaction" and thereby all consciousness has its "alpha" and "omega" in "X2" is established only through indirect sensory perception or experience, in the same way that the existence of "X1" was documented. "X1" and "X2" are thus established as facts, not by our being able to "see" or perceive them directly, but by our ability to perceive that the "movement" or "X3" is a state that is "produced" or "created". And if this is a fact, it is also a fact that there must exist "something" that is identical to the source of this product or creation. This "something" cannot be identical to "movement", since in that case it would also have to be "created" or "produced". And if it were something "created" it could not at the same time be identical to the "something" that must be described as the "creator". Every form of "movement" reveals itself to be a reality that is subordinate to another reality. This other reality constitutes that which governs and produces it, by whose will or command it exists and forms itself.