Livets Bog, vol. 2
Living beings have different desires, different appearances and take different paths through life.
474. Just as a living being lives in an atmosphere of physical energies, an atmosphere with which its I's energies have to connect and interact, so it also lives in an atmosphere of thought energies with which it also must interact. The response of the former interaction is the nature of its present physical body, while the response of the latter interaction is its present mentality, sense of morals and its consequent attitude to everything and everybody.
      We are certainly more than fully acquainted with the fact that those attitudes are not the same for all beings. We see an immense variation of highly differing physical bodies, each of which reveals itself as constituting an instrument for one or another vital life-necessity or conscious purpose for its user. So as bodies, or organisms, in reality, only constitute the tools for the underlying existing I and its super-consciousness, then the variety of those bodies thus shows that it is not just their physical bodies which are different, but that the present aims and objectives of the I's in question, differ widely as well. This again means that they each aspire towards different goals, have different wishes and thereby are highly different in attitude towards everything and everybody.
      As the longings and aims of living beings are different, this again means that their thoughts are also different. Each one accepts only thoughts which stimulate the fulfilment of the habitual heart's desire dwelling within. These thoughts become the ideals of the being in question. They constitute the releasing factors for the energies with which the being must interact in order to attain the goal of its cosmic heart's desire.
      As these beings, on account of their differing cosmic desires, will interact with varying energies, so it will follow that each will travel a different road through life.