Livets Bog, vol. 2
The living being's thought-climates and the forces of Nature.
472. Therefore – even at this moment – there is either "winter cold", "spring breezes", "summer sunshine" or "autumn mists and dampness" streaming through any living being in the form of its cosmic mental manifestation or visible appearance. Our thoughts at the present moment, what we are saying to our neighbour or thinking about him, or what we think of ourselves or do to ourselves, is all the imprint of the "cosmic seasons". We can display the wild forces of Nature, tearing apart and criticizing savagely everything and everybody around us, and in the same way our vibrations can also be of such a nature that they condense and freeze icily all that is near us. We can also be an inward source of light and warmth which creates the wonderful soft breezes and warm sunshine of a summer day for everything which comes within reach of our manifestation. Our existence can also be a faded weak expression of diminishing greatness, of past power and strength. In actual fact it is the Godhead which is the true sun of our inner being. By means of our "body of eternity" and "super-consciousness" its radiance spreads into the darkness of the subconscious so that day and night arise within us. And the interplay between light and dark, which we call "life", thus comes to blaze, sparkle and shine through us and from us, into our surroundings and into the lives of other beings. Our very being becomes one with the forces of Nature. Sometimes we are the ice-cold wind around mountain summits, we are the raging storms of the steppes, we are the deathly whiteness of the poles; all that is living must protect itself against us in furs and gloves and wool and skin or by means of stoves and fires.
      At other times we are as burgeoning spring. From our inner being whispers a wild energy of zest for life. This is the breath of spring. It makes ice melt, avalanches slide and rivers overflow their banks. All things must yield before the onrushing spring in our inner being, but it leaves in its tracks life which is sprouting, the delicate anemone or the white snowdrop.
      Sometimes we are the scintillating summer sunshine and fertilizing showers. In our advance life's thousandfold multitudes come teeming forth. We are cloaked in the brightly coloured splendour of a profusion of flowers. In our atmospheric conditions roses, laburnum and lilac are to be seen. On our way over globes and worlds we elevate life towards the eternal Father. Before our divine light the darkness must retreat.
      At other times we are the fading of autumn. Our countenance shows woods changing colour, brown foliage and fields of yellow stubble. There is now only sparse nourishment to be found on our stripped pastures. But above our declining life, our vanishing glory, the harvest night's clear stars sparkle and shine with promise.