Livets Bog, vol. 2
Everything is thought-energy. The whole of our existence takes place within a supreme spiritual atmosphere or wave of life-expression whose highest analysis is humanity and love.
469. No type of movement, regardless of whatever form, could possibly exist without having been initiated from one or another being's "eternal body", to which the consequences of that movement must inevitably return. Any manifestation or creation produced by even any of the ordinary familiar living beings or forms of life, will, in the same way, lead back to these beings and their respective "bodies of eternity".
      Everything within the concept of movement, energy or power, anything that appears as constituting Nature, anything which presents itself as produced by ordinary everyday living beings, is a display of consciousness or a manifestation of thought. All experiences and all that is accessible to the senses, is thus in reality only the reaction of thought-energies. As these reactions comprise both sunshine and dull weather, rain and drought, famine and superabundance, war and peace, poverty and wealth, sorrow and joy, pessimism and optimism and so forth, then anything in existence available to sensing will be synonymous with "thought-climates". The "climates" can be more or less physical, mental or spiritual, but their identity as thought-energy is irrefutable.
      As all energy or the display of power, all manifestation or creation is the functioning of consciousness or the revealing of thought and emanates from one or many "bodies of eternity", then all we know as physical material, physical creation, physical forces of Nature and so forth, are all identical with "mental powers". The whole of our existence happens consciously or unconsciously within a spiritual atmosphere, that is to say, within a totally dominant wave of life-manifestation, in other words an eternally continuous expression that everything is alive, everything is thought or consciousness, and finally, that the whole support or basis for this wave of life-manifestation and for that atmosphere so important for the possibility of beings to manifest, is in the highest analysis shown to be the culmination of intellectuality, which again is the same as the culmination of humaneness and love.