Livets Bog, vol. 2
Why living beings are different. The whole of existence is proof of the reality of life and the impossibility of death.
468. All that conscious life, then, has its deepest roots in the "body of eternity". It is from here that a being, consciously or unconsciously, sends out his impulses, and it is back here again that the consequences of those impulses will return. And the revelation or manifestation by the being in question of his presence in life or existence is a perfect expression for the special nature or character of these impulses. These will actually differ exactly in accordance with the being's particular and varying attitudes and uses of the six different basic energies which, as we know, constitute the only material in existence with which the beings can manifest. But it is through this that existence and life have colour, interest and bring joy and happiness.
      The whole of life or existence, everything we experience and all that is accessible to the faculty of sensing, that is, organisms, matter and all created things without exception – all of it is in reality, only the play of energies, the reaction of forces, an expression of the living beings willing or not willing something, their competence or incompetence, and a revelation of consciousness with irrefutable evidence of the absolute truth of life and the absolute impossibility of death.