Livets Bog, vol. 2
Why living beings have a horror of death. The consequences of "cosmic consciousness".
467. That this change is apparently so drastic in the case of terrestrial man, so that the being actually sees or understands it as "death" and "destruction" and experiences true terror at its approach, is only due to the fact that this being has not yet sufficiently developed the centres or organs through which he can make himself day-conscious in his super-consciousness, i.e. acquire "cosmic consciousness".
      With the commencement of "cosmic consciousness", all fear of death or horror at his own destruction disappears from the mind of the individual. When those organs have become sufficiently developed, that same individual becomes aware of his own incontestably eternal existence, sees himself as the absolute and unconditional ruler and originator of his own life, and views his own existence as completely sacrosanct, invulnerable and inviolable. Only in its creative processes is it subject to eternal laws. But in their final analysis these laws are expressing culminating love, they determine and guarantee to all living beings – micro-, meso- and macrocosmic alike – their own identity as masters of life and death, their existence in "God's image after His likeness" and their identity as being "one with the Father".