Livets Bog, vol. 2
"Super-consciousness" and "subconsciousness". Why terrestrial man is only conscious about his physical body.
465. "Cosmic consciousness" is thus seated in the individual's "eternal body". It is here that the I gathers its highest mental or intellectual values. That organ which I call in "Livets Bog" the "fate-element" is found here, with its "seeds of destiny" or "talent-kernels". It is this part of the I's consciousness which constitutes the "super-consciousness". And it is from here that the energy for wishes and desires is sent out, partly in automatic form and partly in a form of day-conscious will, although the latter only applies to beings with "cosmic consciousness". When these energies come in contact with the energies of the outside world there arises creation or manifestation. The automatic functions are released in the creation of organisms, that is to say in the creation of the six bodies of manifestation – the bodies of instinct, gravity, feeling, intelligence, intuition and memory, which together make up that part of the I's consciousness we call the "subconscious". Each of these bodies thus constitutes only a subordinate organ in the being's "super-consciousness", but still has the task – in a certain area of the spiral-cycle – of carrying the individual's day-consciousness. These six bodies are tools for the individual's "juggling" with, or control of, the six corresponding basic energies of life.
      And then this same being's day-consciousness also has to have a temporary character or nature according to the body for subconsciousness and the nature of the consequently controlling energy which at that time supports the I's consciousness. Therefore there are six different forms of day-consciousness, one for each basic energy. But each of these forms constitutes only an immeasurable variation of the individual's special mode of juggling with or mastery over the basic energy in question. And it is these six diversified forms of day-consciousness which form the basis of the spiral's six different kingdoms, zones or planes of existence. Each of these planes of existence is thus, in reality, nothing less than an ocean of highly diverse variations in the I's display of creative ability in that particular basic energy.
      As far as terrestrial man is concerned, it is the spiral's basic energy No. 2 – "gravity-energy" – which supports the individual's day-consciousness and brings him to a culmination of physical manifestation. This is why the being is only conscious of physical manifestation, while everything which lies outside it does not enter his consciousness, but at most constitutes only belief, conjecture or supposition.